If we think about our credit card devices, we realize that they are an essential part of our daily lives that we rely so much on, and debit cards are necessary for day-to-day activities that put emphasis on us to work upon vulnerabilities that could reduce the risk of fraud and theft whenever. While it is also cool to have these handheld devices for payment, it also adds an extra layer to the security of it. The trend of mobile terminals, pay-at-the-table devices like handheld devices, is becoming an essential tool now for restaurants.
Why Handheld Devices?
Traditionally, what used to happen in earlier times was that customers used to eat their meals, and after completion, they had to pay their bills, and the waiter had to take the cards of consumers to the immobile POS machines. As this became frustrating for the customers here comes the handheld devices setting the customers free of this distress.
The Evolution of Payment Methods
The trend of not leaving the cards out of sight again was first introduced in Europe; France, specifically, has been nothing but beneficial. These handheld POS devices offer a wide range of functionalities. Now, with these smart devices, American diners might never actually have to let their cards out of their sight again. If you’re a restaurant owner and looking to foster security or credibility, then you should give it a read to this piece of work as we explore how restaurants can leverage handheld devices to protect sensitive customer data and prevent fraud.
In the U.S. these devices are now starting to become more common but yet to climb a mountain as compared to other states like in Europe. But wondering’ why is America holding back? The reason for the delay may maybe the reason that they have a large corporation that takes longer than usual to migrate to these technologies. During this drastic change, businesses had to migrate and do a lot to shift from immobile to handheld and efficient devices. The cost and human labor that is required are also factors contributing to the costs associated with upgrading this software.
Accelerating the transition
The introduction of table-side credit card technology has brought about a significant shift in payment methods. This change is not just a trend, but a necessity that is gaining momentum in the United States. As customers, we prefer to keep our credit cards in sight, and the transition from EMV liability to using an EMV reader is a safer option for restaurants. The swipe method is no match for the security provided by handheld devices.
Understanding the Risks
If you’re still thinking about why you are shifting towards handheld devices, read this section so you can work along to eradicate the risks associated with immobile POS systems. But before diving into this kind of payment method, you must know the mentioned below vulnerabilities:
Thieves installing devices on payment terminals tried to capture card information and this is very risky with the card payments. If you want to foster trust in your restaurants, then it’s important to put your customers at ease with handheld devices.
Data breaches
Shifting to handheld devices has eliminated the fear of data breaches from unauthorized access to sensitive customer data stored on restaurant systems. Handheld devices are sure to save your precious information.
Human error
This also helps prevent human error in staff mishandling or misprocessing credit card information. As this is very sensitive, also, the handheld machines save you from the human errors of charging falsely. This is also very convenient for the users.
The Role of Handheld Devices
Handheld devices, such as mobile point-of-sale (mPOS) systems and portable card readers, offer restaurants a secure and convenient solution for processing credit card transactions. Let’s discuss what they can offer to put the customer at ease and improve the business.
- Encrypt card information at the point of sale, meaning it fosters security, hampering fraudulent activities.
- Tokenize sensitive data to protect it from unauthorized access, ensuring security
- Reduce the risk of skimming and data breaches that puts the customer’s mind at peace
Implementing Handheld Devices
are some of the recommendations for you to maximize the security benefits of handheld devices:
- Choose devices that meet industry standards for security and compliance (e.g., PCI-DSS)
- Train staff on proper device usage and security protocols to avoid any kind of theft or even human error.
- Implement secure connectivity options to ensure efficacy, like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc.
- Regularly update device software and security patches to stay up-to-date with the latest updates.
Additional Security Measures
Yes, this does save you from a lot of the mishaps that can occur, but while handheld devices are a vital component of credit card security, restaurants should also consider implementing these factors into securing credit cards:
- Implementing chip technology (EMV) for added security
- Using secure payment gateways and processors
- Conducting regular security audits and risk assessments
- Educating customers on secure payment practices
We have concluded that implementing these handheld wireless credit card terminals nurtures robust security measures that put customers at peace and save the restaurant owners from any kind of human error that could harm their business. With this method, these restaurants can significantly reduce the risk of credit card fraud and protect sensitive customer data. Remember, security is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring and improvement. So stay ahead of potential threats and serve up a secure dining experience for your customers with this pay-at-table device.